Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jharkahnd --- loosing shine

As the saying goes , "United we stand , separated we fall" fits very well in case of the state known as Jharkhand. Yes i am talking about the state which has reached to its all time low in every gamut.
Despite having all the reasons and resources to reach the pinnacle, it is still among the poorest state in india. What a shame on the Indian govt or for that matter on us..!!! I often get obfuscated about to whom to blame for its gloomy state.
I personally feel that a region or broadly speaking , a state, develops not because of the rules and policies , instead it develops because of the mannered society. One should understand their responsibility towards its people , its region , its state, its country. Once it gets imbibed or percolated in everyone's mind, re-gaining the shine becomes so much possible.